Faculty Board Members

1) Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞENTÜRK (President)

2) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vahit EREN (Head of Economics Department - Member)

 3) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bengü HIRLAK (Head of Business Administration - Member)

4) Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim EFE (Department of Political Science and Public Administration - Member)

5) Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞENTÜRK (Head of International Trade and Logistics Department-Member)

 6) Prof. Dr. İbrahim Halil SEYREK (Professor Representative)

 7) Prof. Dr. Aydın USTA (Professor Representative)

 8) Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞENTÜRK (Professor Representative)

 9) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sumru BAKAN

(Assistant Professor Representative)

10) Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim EFE (Associate Professor Representative)

11) Assist. Prof. Dr. Emre ÇOLAKOĞLU (Doctoral Faculty Member Representative)


 Higher Education Law No. 2547

Faculty Board: Article 17

a. Establishment and its functioning: The faculty board consists of the heads of the departments of the faculty under the chairmanship of the dean, the institute and college directors, if any, and two professors to choose from among the faculty members, and one of the faculty members who will be chosen from among the faculty members.

The faculty board normally meets at the beginning and end of each semester.

The dean calls the faculty board to the meeting when it deems necessary.

b. Duties: Faculty board is an academic body and performs the following duties:

(1) To determine the education, training, scientific research and publication activities of the faculty and the principles related to these activities, the plan, program and education-training calendar,

(2) To elect members to the faculty executive board,

(3) To perform other duties assigned by this law.

Son Güncelleme: 2022-10-28 09:23:50

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